Spinal Decompression Therapy (also known as Traction)
- Service
- Spinal Decompression Therapy
For our patients with chronic painful afflictions and conditions such as sciatica, osteoarthritis, bulging or herniated disks, worn spinal joints, or degenerative disk diseases, our SDT can offer a welcome reprieve. Our therapists work to gently stretch and adjust the position of the spine to take pressure away from the spinal disks. Allowing space for the body to naturally heal and flow.
When you have back pain that won’t go away, you might find relief with spinal decompression. This group of treatments includes alternative therapies and surgery. Your healthcare provider will help you find the right option for you.

DTS® can be used to relive symptoms associated with:
DTS, or Decompressive Traction System, is a non-surgical treatment proven effective in eliminating 85% of Lumbar & cervical spine injuries and “slipped disc.
- Protruding Discs
- Bulging Discs
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Posterior Facet Syndrome
- Radicular Pain
- Spinal Root Impingement
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Compression Fractures
- Joint Pain
Our clinic invests in the technology that is sound and works to get you better.
Spinal Decompression is promoted as safe and effective without the normal risks associated with invasive procedures such as injections, anesthesia or surgery. Spinal decompression works through a series of 15 one minute alternating decompression (using a logarithmic decompression curve) and relaxation cycles with a total treatment time of 20-30 minutes.
During the decompression phase the pressure in the disc is reduced and a vacuum type of effect is produced on the nucleus pulposis. At the same time nutrition is diffused into the disc allowing the annulus fibrosis to heal. Very rarely is the nerve root compressed from the herniated disc and usually the back and leg pain associated with these conditions is a result of irritation to the nerve root sleeve by the inflammatory chemicals that are released as a result of inflammation in the disc.
Get started today!
Spinal Decompression Therapy can speed up recovery time and allow you to return to your daily life as quickly as possible. If you are in Surrey and want to know more about our Spinal Decompression Therapy services, don’t hesitate to request an appointment at Aim Therapy & Wellness Centre today. We’ll get you started on the path toward recovery!
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Our Patient Review
Aliquam ex nibh, rhoncus quis mi nec, imperdiet mattis est. Suspendisse potenti duis fringilla massa at rhoncus.
"Curabitur accumsan felis in dui placerat lobortis. Pellentesque et malesuada orci, quis pretium neque. Aenean accumsan sodales tortor, porta tempor nunc efficitur quis. Nunc sit amet magna ac dui aliquet euismod nec vitae nisi."
"Curabitur accumsan felis in dui placerat lobortis. Pellentesque et malesuada orci, quis pretium neque. Aenean accumsan sodales tortor, porta tempor nunc efficitur quis. Nunc sit amet magna ac dui aliquet euismod nec vitae nisi."
"Curabitur accumsan felis in dui placerat lobortis. Pellentesque et malesuada orci, quis pretium neque. Aenean accumsan sodales tortor, porta tempor nunc efficitur quis. Nunc sit amet magna ac dui aliquet euismod nec vitae nisi."